TOEFL, or the Test of English Academic, reigns as one of the world’s most significant standardized tests. It serves as the yardstick to evaluate the English language proficiency and aptitude of non-native speakers aspiring to enroll in English-speaking universities. Educational Testing Service (ETS) is the official creator and regulator of the TOEFL test, ensuring its reliability and validity.

The total TOEFL test score spans a range from 0 to 120. However, the minimum acceptable score varies depending on the institution of choice. Remarkably, students can take the test an unlimited number of times, with results remaining valid for two years after the test date.

The TOEFL test unfolds over a 4-hour duration. Conveniently, test centers are available in numerous countries, facilitating accessibility for test-takers globally.

Structure for TOEFL Internet-based Test:

● Reading (3-5 passages, 12-14 Questions – 60-80 minutes)

● Listening (6-9 passages, 5-6 Qestions – 60-90 minutes)

● Break (10 minutes): Mandatory

● Speaking (6 tasks – 20 minutes)

● Writing(2 tasks – 50 minutes)

Structure for TOEFL Paper-based Test:

Parts Format Duration
Listening Part-1: 30 questions about short conversations Part-2: 8 questions about longer conversations Part-3: 12 questions about lectures or talks 30 – 40 minutes
Structure and Written Expression Part-1: 15 exercises of completing sentences Part-2: 25 exercises of identifying errors 25 minutes
Reading Comprehension 50 questions about reading passages 55 minutes
Writing One essay question of approx. 250–300 words 30 minutes
Educredo takes pride in offering expert TOEFL coaching, featuring structured classes conducted by highly experienced faculties. Our mission is to empower students to attain the requisite TOEFL scores, opening the doors to their preferred international education institutions abroad.

English Language Proficiency: The Global Language

English, a global lingua franca, exerts a profound influence across diverse fields, be it education or employment. Achieving proficiency in English becomes paramount for students seeking education overseas, as the formal spoken language of the host country can significantly impact the ease of studying abroad.

Major international universities worldwide expect students to master the art of speaking and writing fluent English. This proficiency plays a pivotal role in shaping their educational careers. Moreover, it fosters a more welcoming and receptive environment among the local populace, facilitating smoother interactions for students. Employers, too, hold a penchant for CVs that reflect robust English language skills, highlighting an individual’s readiness for the global job market.

At Educredo, we earnestly encourage all study abroad aspirants to enhance their English language capabilities. Our dedicated coaching and training sessions prepare students for the challenges of studying in an English-speaking milieu.

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